Your contact person 
Elmar Köninger
Depart­ment manage­ment Gastronomy

your gastro facil­ities
at uni siegen

In our gast­ro­nomic facil­ities, we try to recon­cile economic effi­ciency and ecology. We want to offer you a sustain­able style of eating that follows ecolo­gical, sustain­able and social prin­ciples at an afford­able price.

In the campus catering of the Stud­i­er­enden­werk Siegen, a team of almost 130 dedic­ated colleagues works to process regional and seasonal products into enjoy­able and whole­some meals in the most resource-conserving way possible.

We already process a good 24 tonnes of food from controlled organic cultiv­a­tion in our facil­ities every year. Fresh meat, milk, baked goods and fresh veget­ables are largely sourced directly from regional suppliers.

Our entire coffee and tea range comes from fair trade and certi­fied organic cultivation.

We have completely converted our take-away busi­ness to reusable systems. With our deposit-free LogiCup coffee cups and the deposit-free, digital reusable system VYTAL, you can enjoy our to-go offer­ings completely without pack­aging waste.

Since April 2021, we have been supporting the broiler initi­ative of the Albert Schweitzer Found­a­tion ( The initi­ative origin­ates from an asso­ci­ation of around 30 animal welfare organ­isa­tions with the essen­tial goal of improving the keeping of broiler chickens.

Sustain­able. Climate-friendly. Respons­ible. Delicious!


Our canteen at the Adolf-Reich­­wein-Straße campus was once again awarded 3 stars by the animal protec­tion organ­isa­tion Peta as one of the most vegan-friendly canteens in Germany. Chan­ging vegan dishes, a permanent range of vegan desserts and a salad bar in the Mensa AR as well as the offer of plant-based milk and vegan spreads reflect the growing desire of many students for a meat-free and climate-friendly diet.



We are organic certified 

Organic seal

The Stud­i­er­enden­werk is certi­fied organic. The organic seal stands for the use of food from organic agri­cul­ture and organic food processing. We use a variety of organic products in our catering operations.

Our coffee is Fair Trade traded and certi­fied organic 


Our entire coffee and tea range is organic and fair trade certi­fied. The ingredi­ents of our “Lemonaid Lemonade” are also organ­ic­ally grown and come from fair trade.

The Fairtrade seal stands for the fact that all ingredi­ents avail­able from fair produc­tion have been traded entirely in accord­ance with the rules of the Fairtrade stand­ards that apply world­wide. In this way, small­holder cooper­at­ives receive more stable prices, more long-term and trans­parent trading rela­tion­ships, and an addi­tional premium for community projects. The stand­ards also include criteria on demo­cratic organ­iz­a­tional struc­tures, envir­on­mental protec­tion and safe working condi­tions. The focus is always on the producers.


Broiler chicken initi­ative of the Albert Schweitzer Foundation

We have joined the broiler chicken initi­ative of the Albert Schweitzer Found­a­tion. The initi­ative origin­ates from an alli­ance of around 30 animal welfare organ­isa­tions with the essen­tial aim of improving the keeping of broiler chickens. Important animal welfare aspects such as a lower stocking density, the restric­tion of over-breeding as well as minimum stand­ards for light and manip­ulable material are imple­mented. For us as the Stud­i­er­enden­werk, it is important to put more emphasis on the issue and also to set ourselves clear goals. Until meat is avail­able that meets all the criteria of the European Broiler Chicken Initi­ative, the Stud­i­er­enden­werk will make use of similar offers such as the entry level of the German Animal Welfare Asso­ci­ation and gradu­ally increase their share in the assortment.

The Stud­i­er­enden­werk Siegen will imple­ment the require­ments of the European Broiler Chicken Initi­ative for all its catering facil­ities by 2026. The Stud­i­er­enden­werk publishes annual reports on the progress of the imple­ment­a­tion and has inde­pendent controls ensure compli­ance with the standards.

Our service for the severely disabled

In consulta­tion with the working group “Barrier-free Univer­sity”, the Stud­i­er­enden­werk Siegen offers support for blind, visu­ally impaired or wheel­chair users when eating in the canteen. Inter­ested persons can contact the kitchen manage­ment on 0271 740‑3129 to receive assist­ance when eating in the refectory. You will then be expected in the canteen vesti­bule. A member of staff will go into the canteen with you, explain the menu offers and help you collect your meal and return the dishes.

For more inform­a­tion, go to “Help for the Disabled” (Univer­sity of Siegen) or the “Central Student Advisory Service” (Univer­sity of Siegen) or “Studying with a Disab­ility” (Deutsches Studentenwerk).


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