
New catering system from 08.04.2024

Our canteen catering system will receive a funda­mental update from 08.04.2024. You can find out what this means in concrete terms and how this decision came about here.

During the changeover phase to the new system, it is possible that errors may still creep in here and there or that the pre-order system for the ENC canteen may not yet work prop­erly. We ask for your under­standing and are of course working to resolve any minor initial prob­lems as quickly as possible.

  • Why is the Stud­i­er­enden­werk intro­du­cing a new catering system? 

    With this change, we are primarily responding to the frequent criti­cism that the current catering system with its fixed menus and prices is too rigid. In future, we want to give you the oppor­tunity to put together your lunch flex­ibly in terms of quantity and choice, depending on your appetite. This will give you more combin­a­tion options and more variety. The new catering system is more trans­parent, fairer and more flex­ible. To make this possible, the price system must of course also be adapted.

  • What is chan­ging in the catering system in the canteens? 

    With the new catering system, there will no longer be fixed menus at a fixed price (stew with bread roll and dessert for 2 euros, vegetarian/vegan dish with two side dishes for 3.50 euros, fish/meat dish for 4.00 euros), but “Meal 1” (veget­arian or vegan main component) or “Meal 2” (meat or fish main component) can be combined indi­vidu­ally and flex­ibly with the desired number of side dishes. You can also omit the side dishes completely or just have side dishes. The price is calcu­lated indi­vidu­ally, depending on how you have put together your meal.

  • What does the new catering system mean in concrete terms for students? 

    Sales price dependent on purchase price: The basic prin­ciple of the new system is that all sales prices are set on the basis of their actual purchase price.

    Three price categories for both meal 1+2 and side dishes: Depending on the purchase price, both “meal 1+2” (vegetarian/vegan and fish/meat main component) and the side dishes (filling side dish, veget­ables, salad, dessert) are divided into three price categories.

    Prices for students:

    Meal 1 (vegan or veget­arian): 2.30 euros, 2.90 euros or 3.50 euros

    meal 2 (fish or meat): 2.30 euros, 2.90 euros or 3.50 euros

    Side dishes: 0.60 euros, 1.00 euros or 1.20 euros

    Stew without bread rolls and without dessert: 1.50 euros, meat inlay/sausage with stew 1.60 euros, bread rolls 0.40 euros

  • What does the new catering system mean in concrete terms for employees? 

    Sales price dependent on purchase price: The basic prin­ciple of the new system is that all sales prices are set on the basis of their actual purchase price.

    Three price categories for both meal 1+2 and side dishes: Depending on the purchase price, both “meal 1+2” (vegetarian/vegan and fish/meat main component) and the side dishes (filling side dish, veget­ables, salad, dessert) are divided into three price categories.

    Prices for employees:

    Meal 1 (vegan or veget­arian): 3.90 euros, 4.40 euros or 5.40 euros

    meal 2 (fish or meat): 3.90 euros, 4.40 euros or 5.40 euros

    Side dishes: 1.10 euros, 1.70 euros or 2.30 euros

    Stew without bread rolls and without dessert: 5.00 euros, meat inlay/sausage with stew 2.40 euros, bread rolls 0.50 euros

  • What advant­ages does the new catering system offer? 

    Trans­par­ency and price fair­ness: The purchase costs of the indi­vidual ingredi­ents determine the sales price in the canteen through a “cause-related cost distri­bu­tion”. The more expensive the compon­ents of the dish are purchased, the more the dish costs in the canteen. Overall, the prices are more flex­ible, but thanks to the caps there is still finan­cial plan­ning security.

    Creative scope in the menu: More varied, fresher, more regional, more organic quality: the new cost prin­ciple gives us greater freedom in the further devel­op­ment of our menus.

    More flex­ib­ility for you in the compos­i­tion of the meals: With the new catering system, an indi­vidual choice of side dish will once again be possible for meat/fish dishes in future. If you are not very hungry, you can simply omit side dishes or only eat side dishes. The stew without side dishes will then only cost 1.50 euros for students, for example.

  • When will the new catering system come into effect in the canteens? 

    The new catering system will apply in all Stud­i­er­enden­werk canteens from 8 April 2024.

  • Who should I contact if I have ques­tions about the new catering system? 

    If you have any ques­tions about the new catering system, our colleagues from the catering depart­ment will be happy to help:

    Elmar Köninger, Head of the Catering Depart­ment:

    Sebastian Deuster, repres­ent­ative of the head of depart­ment:

General ques­tions

  • Can I pay without cash? 

    Only cash­less payment is possible in our food court and bistro. In the refect­ories, there is only one cash register. You can pay cash­less with giro­card, credit card, Alipay, Apple Pay and Google Pay.

  • Where can I find the prices of the meals? 

    The prices are listed on our menu plans and on our website.

  • How can I recog­nize vegetarian/vegan food? 

    At the veget­arian counter you will only receive veget­arian (and some vegan) food. All side dishes at the veget­arian counter are prepared with veget­able fats.

  • Can I trust the labelling of allergens? 

    The indic­a­tions of ingredi­ents in all meals are based on the inform­a­tion given by the produ­cers and suppliers of the ingredi­ents. All contained (declar­able) aller­gens – except minor traces – are being declared by the Stud­i­er­enden­werk. It is possible that some ingredi­ents are crossed during the prepar­a­tion process. Thus we cannot guar­antee 100% that there are no other ingredi­ents in a meal besides the declared ones.

  • Who can I talk to if I was not satis­fied with my meal? 

    In case there is an imme­diate need for action you should talk to the oper­ating manager of the facility. There are some feed­back forms avail­able at the exit of the canteens. Please talk to Mr Elmar Königer, head of the depart­ment gast­ro­nomy for more detailed inform­a­tion if you have more general criti­cism or suggestions.

  • Does the Stud­i­er­enden­werk use organic produce? 

    A number of produce is only offered in organic quality at Stud­i­er­enden­werk Siegen. A current list can be found in facil­ities. We are always trying to increase the share of organic produce in our gast­ro­nom­ical department.

  • Does the Stud­i­er­enden­werk use fair trade produce? 

    All coffee in our Food Court, Bistro as well as Canteen AR and ENC is labelled fair trade. We are plan­ning to add more fair trade products to our goods.

  • Why do I need to show my student ID to the cashier in the canteens and cafeterias? 

    Students are entitled to subsid­ized meals and thus pay less than other guests. Simply posi­tion your student ID on the tablet while waiting in line to pay – that makes everything go quicker.

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