
Your child in good hands!


There are four groups in our day care centre. Chil­dren aged 4 months to 6 years old (before going to school) are being over seen by trained pedago­gical profes­sionals. The pedagogic work is based on the “situ­a­tion-oriented approach”. This means that the goal of our educa­tion is to reach a broad spec­trum of devel­op­ment in a child by building their social and mental skills.

The day care centre is located in a 30-km/h‑zone close to the forest in direct neigh­bour­hood to Adolf-Reich­­wein campus of Univer­sity Siegen. The day care building is 850m² in size with an addi­tional area of 4500 m² garden area surrounding the building.


The Flexi is a cooper­a­tion of Univer­sity and Stud­i­er­enden­werk. It offers 12 places for a demand-based, flex­ible care of chil­dren aged six months to 10 years. It is an addi­tional offer to recon­cile studies, career and family. The work of the pedago­gical profes­sionals is based on the varying ages and demands of the children.

The Flexi is located right next to the day care centre on Adolf-Reich­­wein campus of the university.

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