  • How can I apply for a room in the residences? 

    You can easily apply using our online form. There is a small fee for the applic­a­tion, which you can pay via Paypal or transfer.

  • Who can apply? 

    All students of the Univer­sity of Siegen under the age of 35 can apply. You can also apply if you are not enrolled yet. You can hand in the proof of enrol­ment later.

  • Do I have to decide for one specific residence? 

    No, you can apply for more than one resid­ence (tick more than one box in the form). You can state your pref­er­ences in the flied “notes”.

  • Are there offi­cial deadlines? 

    No, you can always apply. But it is important to know that, espe­cially at the begin­ning of the winter semester, many students are looking for accom­mod­a­tion. There­fore it is better to apply early on.

  • How is the contract concluded? 

    After your online applic­a­tion you’ll receive a regis­tra­tion number. As soon as a room is avail­able you will receive an offer (by email!). You will receive the contracts and docu­ments if you like the offer.

  • How and when can I move to my room? 

    As soon as all form­al­ities are settled you can make an appoint­ment with the care­taker of the resid­ence to move in. Please note that moving in before the begin­ning of the contract is not possible.

  • What do I need to bring? 

    Most resid­ences are furnished with the basic furniture. All you need to bring is bedding, sheets and linen (or you can buy a set from the care­taker) as well as your own cutlery, plates and pots. You will receive more inform­a­tion from the resid­ence admin­is­tra­tion when signing the contract.

  • Can I change my room? 

    Yes, you can submit an applic­a­tion to the resid­ence admin­is­tra­tion. There is no cancela­tion period when you move within our resid­ences. Please note that there is a fee for moving.

  • How long can I stay? 

    The maximum rental period is 3 years. After that, it is possible to apply for an exten­sion of up to one year at the resid­ence admin­is­tra­tion. Please note that you have to pay small fee for any extension.

  • When can / should I cancel the contract? 

    The cancela­tion period is three full months to the end of each month. So if you want to leave the resid­ence, for example, at the end of March you have to hand in your cancela­tion by December, 31st. You must give notice in writing, a signa­ture is mandatory.

  • Who pays the broad­casting fee? 

    You have to pay them your­self. The Stud­i­er­enden­werk is not allowed to cover the fees for you. Only students who receive state funding (BAföG) can be exempted. How much you have to pay depends on the kind of housing you are living in. You can find more inform­a­tion at You can find some more inform­a­tion here (German / English).

  • Do I have to register in Siegen? 

    Yes, you have to register in Siegen. There is a new law since 01.01.2015 which forces all students to register at the citizen office (city hall). You can receive the neces­sary docu­ment from the resid­ence administration.

  • What do I do if some­thing is broken in my room? 

    Please complete this damage report care­fully. Our care­taker service will take care of the repair.

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