
Your child in good hands!

The Stud­i­er­enden­werk Siegen is the provider of the day care centre.

We provide places for the care of chil­dren of student parents, staff of the Stud­i­er­enden­werk and the univer­sity and – if capa­city is avail­able – also for third parties. In order to recon­cile family life and studies or work, we offer the best possible day care for chil­dren. A trusting cooper­a­tion with the parents is of partic­ular import­ance to us.

The day care centre is not a denom­in­a­tional institution.

The day care centre building is located in a 30 km/h zone in the imme­diate vicinity of the univer­sity on the “Adolf-Reich­­wein” campus and about 10 minutes’ walk from the “Hölderlin” campus. The day care centre also has a large outdoor area with its own natural forest plot and a construc­tion trailer.


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Adolf-Reich­­wein-Straße 25, 57076 Siegen
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Group distri­bu­tion

The chil­dren are cared for in four groups, each by three full-time educa­tional special­ists. The Kita offers a total of 70 places.

  • Red group: 20 chil­dren from the age of two until they start school
  • Blue group: 20 chil­dren from the age of two until they start school
  • Green group: 20 chil­dren from the age of two until they start school
  • Yellow group: 10 chil­dren aged four months to two years.

The team

The team consists of the day care centre manage­ment (educator), social pedagogues, educators, a speech ther­apist as a pedago­gical specialist, pedi­atric nurse and house­keeping staff to provide the chil­dren with day care centre food.

The pedago­gical concept is based on the situ­a­tion-oriented approach and reflects the basic pedago­gical orient­a­tion of our pedago­gical concept. The biography and living condi­tions of each indi­vidual child are the starting point of our work.

  • The child and its needs are the focus.
  • The child’s volun­tar­i­ness is an important criterion.
  • Situ­ations that occupy the chil­dren should be relived, under­stood and worked through by them. This should give them the exper­i­ence of under­standing present life and coping with prac­tical situations.
  • The child should under­stand itself as part of a community and learn to act compet­ently, self-confid­ently and in solidarity.
  • Working with haptic mater­ials and involving nature are fundamental.

Special offers

Special offers include excur­sions to the neigh­bouring, natural forest plot, weekly offers in the move­ment room, as well as research and discovery work within the frame­work of the “exper­i­ment­a­tion group”.

Since July 2010, the day care centre has been a certi­fied “House of Little Scientists”.


The focus of our pedago­gical work is primarily oriented towards the interests and needs of the chil­dren. Further focal points are in the areas of “body”, “move­ment” and “health”. The large natural outdoor area, the adja­cent forest area and the spacious move­ment room in the day care centre with therapy equip­ment are avail­able for this purpose.

The legal basis is the Child Educa­tion Act of North Rhine-West­­phalia (KiBiz), the Educa­tion Agree­ment of North Rhine-West­­phalia (Bildungsver­ein­barung NRW) and the three pillars of the federal programme “Sprach-Kitas”.


The federal programme “Schwer­­punkt-Kitas Sprache & Integ­ra­tion”, in which we success­fully parti­cip­ated, expired on 31.12.2015. Since 1 January 2016, we have been parti­cip­ating in the new federal programme “Sprach-Kitas: Weil Sprache der Schlüssel zur Welt ist”. The programme runs until 30.06.2023.

  • daily language education
  • the indi­vidual orient­a­tion to the needs, interests and strengths of every child
  • the active parti­cip­a­tion of all chil­dren (inclusive pedagogy and participation)
  • the stim­u­la­tion for exper­i­ment­a­tion, research and discovery
  • the promo­tion of social-emotional skills

General inform­a­tion


Break­fast (selec­tion changes daily): Currently, the chil­dren bring their own break­fast (due to corona).

Lunch at the day care centre is healthy and balanced and includes, among other things, a freshly prepared child-friendly lunch in the “ENC” canteen.

Drinks: still/sparkling water, unsweetened herbal tea or milk according to break­fast planning.


Compulsory, i.e. required full board (break­fast, lunch, dessert): €98.00 per child per month.

Amounts to be paid monthly to the Youth Welfare Office (Jugen­damt): The amount of the monthly parental contri­bu­tions is based on the Child Educa­tion Act (KiBiz) of the State of NRW. The respective parental contri­bu­tions are calcu­lated and collected by the Youth Welfare Office (Jugen­damt) of the City of Siegen. The respective amount of the parental contri­bu­tions can also be requested there.

Admis­sion criteria:

In compli­ance with the legal regu­la­tions (KiBiz), chil­dren are admitted according to the following priority list:

1. chil­dren of parents/guardians studying at the Univer­sity of Siegen and siblings,
2. chil­dren of employees (Stud­i­er­enden­werk and Univer­sity of Siegen – place of resid­ence in the Siegen city area),
3. chil­dren of third parties (place of resid­ence: Siegen city area).

A visit to the day care centre is possible after making an appoint­ment with Ms Bähner by telephone.


You would like to apply for a place in our day care centre?

Please complete the applic­a­tion form and submit it in person or by e‑mail to our day care centre. Our inform­a­tion on data protec­tion in the daycare center can be found here

Please note that all legal guard­ians have to sign the applic­a­tion form!

You can find the applic­a­tion form as .pdf here

Opening hours

Super­vi­sion times (45h)

Monday – Thursday: 7:15h to 16:30h

Friday: 7:15h to 15:30h


Monday – Friday: 7:15h to 9:00h


Monday – Thursday: 15:00h to 16:30h
Friday: 14:30h to 15:30h

Super­vi­sion times (35h)

Monday – Friday: 7:30h to 14:30h


Monday – Friday: 7:30h to 9:00h


Monday – Friday: 14:00h to 14:30h


Please note our closing times 2024:

Closing times 2024



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