Your contact person 
Burkhard Lutz
Depart­ment manage­ment Human Resources, Housing, Construc­tion and Engin­eering, Inter­na­tional matters and Culture

Our resid­ences

Distinct, appealing – and affordable!

The Stud­i­er­enden­werk manages 976 rooms in the student residences.

We offer basic single rooms, doublette-rooms, shared flats and single apart­ments. We can arrange the most suit­able accom­mod­a­tion for you. Contact our employees of the resid­ence admin­is­tra­tion.
Most of the rooms are furnished. Excep­tions are the apart­ment resid­ences. Here you have to bring your own furniture and thus you are able to create your own personal space.


Our rental prices: all inclusive

All util­ities are included in the rent, i.e. water, elec­tri­city, heating, internet. The rental prices are subject to change.

We offer

  • …appealing accom­mod­a­tion at an afford­able all-inclusive rent, covering the cleaning of the communal areas
  • …single apart­ments or shared flats,
  • …close prox­imity to university
  • …quiet loca­tions with good traffic connec­tion to the city centre,
  • …best customer care by means of out resid­ence admin­is­tra­tion and care­takers on site.

We find the best fit for you!

We’ll find the right one for you!

You don’t have to be!

You can get in touch with fellow students quickly in our resid­ences. That’s great – espe­cially for freshmen who like to attend the “Welcome-Parties”. Asso­ciate with one of the student clubs or initi­at­ives to exchange ideas, gain exper­i­ences and be an active part of the community.

Prox­imity to Univer­sity: short routs 

Loca­tion to the univer­sity: short distances

Our resid­ences are mostly in close prox­imity to univer­sity or well connected to the public trans­port system. The resid­ences “Glückauf­straße”, “Adolf-Reich­­wein-Straße”, “Hubertusweg” and “Am Eichen­hang” are located right next to campus.

Internet access

All rooms / apart­ments are equipped with a high speed internet access point via the university’s network. The access is activ­ated when you move in and deac­tiv­ated when you move out. Thus you won’t have to enter into a contract with an external provider!
Our own admin­is­trators are avail­able in the resid­ences if you should encounter any problems.

Energy Manage­ment

The energy manage­ment in the resid­ences comprises, for example, a system­atic analysis of energy consump­tion.  Addi­tion­ally monitor the efficacy of energy saving meas­ures and continue to develop these methods. In this way we contribute actively to the reduc­tion of envir­on­mental pollu­tion. We also take care that the energy costs remain as low as possible for our tenants. Please find more inform­a­tion here.

Student resid­ences “inter­na­tional”

Welcome-Parties and inform­a­tional events at the begin­ning of the semester give all inter­na­tional students a chance to get in touch with their German fellow students.

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