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About Insur­ance

In Germany it is rather important to be insured. There is a variety of insur­ances which you can take out besides the stat­utory health insur­ance (without it you cannot enrol at univer­sity). There are many different websites where you can compare prices and services. Next to the mandatory health insur­ance we recom­mend to take out a liab­ility insurance.

Health insur­ance

In Germany all students must be registered with a health insur­ance. In order to enrol at any univer­sity you have to show a proof that you are insured. You will not be able to start your studies without it. Students from EU states and some other European coun­tries hold the European Health Insur­ance Card (EHIC) which is valid in all EU states. You can apply for the card at your health insur­ance company.

There are two kinds of health insur­ances in Germany: stat­utory (public) and private. There are a few condi­tions for the admit­tance to stat­utory insurance:

  • You have to be enrolled or accepted at a public German university
  • You have studied less than 14 semesters and you have to be younger than 30 years of age. There are a few health insur­ances that offer special options for graduates.
  • Language students (who are not enrolled) cannot be admitted to the public health insur­ance. They have to take out a policy with a private insur­ance company. Once these students become enrolled they can change to the public insurance!

You are obliged to take out a private health insur­ance if you are not allege­able for public insur­ance. You can choose between many different companies. The umbrella organ­isa­tion of all student unions in Germany – Deutsches Studen­ten­werk – has a concluded special contract the UNION Versicher­ungs­di­enst which guar­an­tees the insur­ance is reas­on­ably priced and comprehensive.

Liab­ility Insurance

A liab­ility insur­ance covers damages that you caused another person. The insur­ance pays, for example, if you break your flatmate’s computer or furniture by acci­dent. Espe­cially where it comes to damages or injuries to people you may have to pay extremely high sums. Also students have to pay in these cases without limits. There­fore a liab­ility insur­ance is one of the most important insur­ances. Such an insur­ance cost only a few €uros each month and it can save you a lot of trouble!

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