How can I register my child?
The first contact should be made by phone under 0271 740 4079 or on site.
How old should my child be to be accepted into flexi care?
We take care of children aged 6 months to 10 years old.
When can I book a place?
You can check-in via our online form or in emergencies via telephone.
When can I book a place?
You can check-in via our online form or in emergencies via telephone.
What means „1 block“ and how many blocks can be booked?
One block contains 120 minutes. You can book up to 9 blocks – 18 hours – a week.
Is there any familiarization?
There is a child-oriented familiarization with up to 5 free, previously agreed upon blocks.
Who cares for my child?
Your child is cared for by qualifies professionals (educators and cares).
What does a day in Flexi look like?
Everyday life in Flexi is a mix of free play and supervised activities which are planned according to the situation and age of the children. There is also some time in the outdoor area and of course meal-times.
What should my child bring to Flexi?
Your child should bring some changing clothes, diapers and snacks (fruits and vegetables) – according to age.
What are the opening times?
You can find them here…
What are the costs of Flexi?
Booking the flexi-care counts per block (120 minutes) and per child:
- For students: 3,00€
- For employees of the University: 7,00€
- For employees of the Studierendenwerk: 7,00€
- For professors: 10,00€
- For third-party parents: 10,00€
Employees of the University of Siegen with a low family income can apply for a discount on childcare costs through FLEXI. You can find the form on the homepage of the Family Service Office.