  • How can I register my child? 

    The first contact should be made by phone under 0271 740 4079 or on site.

  • How old should my child be to be accepted into flexi care? 

    We take care of chil­dren aged 6 months to 10 years old.

    When can I book a place?

    You can check-in via our online form or in emer­gen­cies via telephone.

  • When can I book a place? 

    You can check-in via our online form or in emer­gen­cies via telephone.

  • What means „1 block“ and how many blocks can be booked? 

    One block contains 120 minutes. You can book up to 9 blocks – 18 hours – a week.

  • Is there any familiarization? 

    There is a child-oriented famil­i­ar­iz­a­tion with up to 5 free, previ­ously agreed upon blocks.

  • Who cares for my child? 

    Your child is cared for by qual­i­fies profes­sionals (educators and cares).

  • What does a day in Flexi look like? 

    Everyday life in Flexi is a mix of free play and super­vised activ­ities which are planned according to the situ­ation and age of the chil­dren. There is also some time in the outdoor area and of course meal-times.

  • What should my child bring to Flexi? 

    Your child should bring some chan­ging clothes, diapers and snacks (fruits and veget­ables) – according to age.

  • What are the opening times? 

    You can find them here… 

  • What are the costs of Flexi? 

    Booking the flexi-care counts per block (120 minutes) and per child:

    • For students: 3,00€
    • For employees of the Univer­sity: 7,00€
    • For employees of the Stud­i­er­enden­werk: 7,00€
    • For professors: 10,00€
    • For third-party parents: 10,00€

    Employees of the Univer­sity of Siegen with a low family income can apply for a discount on child­care costs through FLEXI. You can find the form on the homepage of the Family Service Office.

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