  • How and where can I register my child? 

    You can register your child with an applic­a­tion form at the Kita (on site in person or by post). You can find the applic­a­tion form here. In addi­tion, you must register for the facility in the Kita-Navig­ator of the city of Siegen.

  • What are the admis­sion criteria? 

    In compli­ance with the legal regu­la­tions (KiBiz), chil­dren are admitted according to the following priority list:

    1. chil­dren of studying parents and siblings.
    2. chil­dren of employees of the Univer­sity of Siegen and the Stud­i­er­enden­werk Siegen (place of resid­ence: Siegen city area).
    3. chil­dren who live in the Siegen city area (catch­ment area).

  • From what age does the Kita accept chil­dren / group structures? 

    We accept chil­dren from the age of four months and care for chil­dren until they start school.

  • What are the group structures? 

    Group struc­tures (according to KiBiz):
    1 group: 10 places for chil­dren from four months to two years.
    3 groups: 20 places each for chil­dren from two years to school entry.

  • What time models does the Kita offer? 

    The Stud­i­er­enden­werk offers 35h as well as 45h places so that parents have enough time to study.

  • How does the famil­i­ar­isa­tion process take place? 

    There is a child-oriented settling-in period based on the Berlin Model (approx. 14 days).

  • Who looks after my child in the day care centre? 

    Each group is staffed by three full-time pedago­gical special­ists (educators, social pedagogues, speech therapist).

  • When is the day care centre open? 

    Monday to Thursday from 7:15 to 16:30.
    Friday from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm.

    Bring time: Monday to Friday from 7:30 to 9:00.
    Pick-up time: Monday to Thursday from 15:00 to 16:30, Friday from 14:30 to 15:30.

    You can find the closing times here.

  • Do I have to bring food or drink (catering) for my child? 

    No, the Stud­i­er­enden­werk offers all chil­dren full board. This means break­fast, lunch, a varied snack, water and unsweetened tea are provided for all chil­dren. Meal contri­bu­tion: 98.00 Euro per month. Parents can choose whether their child receives a veget­arian or non-veget­arian diet.

  • Where can the chil­dren play, exper­i­ment, try things out? 

    During the free play phases, the chil­dren can play and learn inde­pend­ently in their group room and/or an adjoining room as well as in the func­tional areas in the two corridors. Each group has access to the move­ment room once a week. In addi­tion, the nursery has a large natural outdoor area. In addi­tion, we can use the fenced-in forest plot with a construc­tion trailer at any time.

    Current: fixed settings due to corona

  • In which projects does the day care centre participate? 

    Since July 2012, the day care centre of the Stud­i­er­enden­werk Siegen has been a certi­fied “House of Little Scient­ists”. In addi­tion to exper­i­menting, trying things out and exploring in the group, the inter-group exper­i­ment­a­tion group takes place once a week for all chil­dren from the age of two.

    From May 2012 to December 2015, we success­fully parti­cip­ated in the federal programme “Frühe Chancen Schwer­­punkt-Kita “Sprache & Integration””.

    Since January 2016, we have been parti­cip­ating in the federal programme “Sprach-Kita ‘Weil Sprache der Schlüssel zur Welt ist’ ”. This programme ends in December 2022.

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