
International Matters

Contact person 
 Elena Gerbershagen
Rental contracts / tenants’ service 
Elena Gerbershagen

Inter­na­tional Matters

You come from abroad and want to study at the Univer­sity of Siegen? We are here to help you!

We offer:

  •  A variety of services even before the actual start of the study program, such as support concerning insur­ances, acquis­i­tion and alloc­a­tion of suit­able accom­mod­a­tion in the resid­ences of the Stud­i­er­enden­werk; and other matters that are diffi­cult to handle from abroad;
  • Prac­tical “welcome” events and guidelines as well as tips and advice that send you off to a good start in the residences;
  • Promo­tion of a mutual cultural exchange, espe­cially networking with German students.
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