
require­ment for a
family-friendly apartment

The Stud­i­er­enden­werk Siegen also offers apart­ments suit­able for families. Require­ments are – next to the avail­ab­ility – that the main tenant is an enrolled student of the Univer­sity Siegen. Working for the univer­sity is not sufficient!

Engs­bach­straße 56 und 58

There is a 91m²-sized apart­ment in our resid­ence “Engs­bach­straße 58”, 57076 Siegen. This family-friendly apart­ment is unfur­nished, with 3 rooms, a storage room, built-in kitchen, bath­room and separate WC. The apart­ment is access­ible through its own private entrance on the side of building 58. There are parking lots in front of the building / the apartment.

Max Kade Haus

It is possible to rent 2,5‑room (63 m²) or 3,5‑room (78 m²) apart­ments in our resid­ence “Max-Kade-Haus” (Andreas-Schlüter-Straße 30), 57076 Siegen. There is a mix of shared flats and family-apart­­ments in this building. All flats are unfur­nished, have a built-in kitchen, a bath­room with separate WC, a balcony, a storage room, a base­ment compart­ment and a living area. Day care and schools are close by.

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