Contact person 
 Elena Gerbershagen
Rental contracts / tenants’ service 
Elena Gerbershagen
Contact person 
Care­taker Service 

Friedrich­straße 87

This core-renov­­ated resid­ence is located in the centre of the city and is only a few minutes’ walk from the Campus Unteres Schloss (US).

It is also within walking distance of Siegen’s old town and city centre, the ENC, the gastro and shop­ping mile, Siegen’s main railway station and all shops for daily needs.

In Friedrich­straße, we offer a total of 27 furnished places in different sizes.

All accom­mod­a­tion units are equipped with direct internet access via the university’s data network as well as satel­lite TV.

In addi­tion, there is a coin-oper­­ated washing and drying room in the base­ment, both of which are freely access­ible to the tenants.

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Friedrich­straße 87, 57072 Siegen
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  • Places
    17 flats with private bath­room, kitchenette and some with balcony;
    4 double rooms each with own kitchenette, shared bath­room with balcony;
    1 shared flat with 3 shared rooms with shared kitchenette, shared bath­room and partly with balcony;
    3 single rooms with own kitchenette and shared bath­room, some with balcony


  • Features
    The rooms or flats are fully furnished (bed with mattress, desk, ward­robe). You only need to bring bed linen and cooking utensils or you can buy them from us at a reas­on­able price.
  • Other facil­ities
    coin-oper­­ated washing and drying room in the basement
  • Specials
    bicycle parking spaces, paid car parking spaces, tutor support, user support


  • Rent per month including all util­ities for heating, water, elec­tri­city, tele­phone and satel­lite connec­tion, internet and external cleaning of staircases:
    Apart­ments: 350,00 € – 435,00 €
    Doublet­te­room: 383,00 € – 439,00 €
    Shared Apart­ment: 379,00 € – 405,00 €
    Single Room: 344,00 € – 396,00 €
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