
Andreas-Schlüter-Straße 30

Contact person 
 Elena Gerbershagen
Rental contracts / tenants’ service 
Elena Gerbershagen
0271 740‑4960 send E‑Mail
Contact person 
Care­taker Service 


The eight-storey building has 32 flats with a total of 80 rooms. The rooms are let as 2.5 and 3.5 room flats (shared flats). 11 parking spaces are avail­able. The resid­ence is located in the direct vicinity of the “Hölderlin” and “Paul-Bonatz” campuses. The “Adolf-Reich­­wein” campus is also just a few minutes’ walk away.

The resid­ence offers modern rooms and is partic­u­larly eye-catching due to its modern facade.

The resid­ence bears the name “Max Kade House” – in memory of Max Kade, the founder of the “Max Kade Found­a­tion”, New York. The Stud­i­er­enden­werk received funding from the found­a­tion for the renov­a­tion of this resid­ence. This student resid­ence is the first Max Kade House in North Rhine-Westphalia.

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Andreas-Schlüter-Straße 30, 57076 Siegen
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  • Places
    80 places in 2 or 3 person flats (12–19 m² per room); shared kitchen, balcony, living area, bath­room and WC
  • Features
    partly furnished, land­line and TV access point, internet connec­tion via the univer­sity network
  • Other facil­ities
    laundry room, internet resid­ence admin
  • Specials
    family apart­ments


  • Rent per month including all util­ities for heating, water, elec­tri­city, tele­phone and satel­lite connec­tion, internet and external cleaning of staircases:
    Room: 274,00 € – 342,00 €
    2,5 room apart­ment (63 m²; for a family of 2 people): 659,00 €
    3,5 room apart­ment (78 m²; for a family of 3 people): 877,00 €
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