
Stud­i­er­enden­werk Siegen joins broiler chicken initi­ative of the Albert Schweitzer Foundation

28. June 2021

The initi­ative origin­ates from an alli­ance of around 30 animal welfare organ­isa­tions with the essen­tial aim of improving the keeping of broiler chickens.

Important animal welfare aspects such as a lower stocking density, the restric­tion of over-breeding as well as minimum stand­ards for light and manip­ulable material are implemented.


Companies from the food industry that want to take important steps and set stand­ards support the European Broiler Chicken Initi­ative and imple­ment the required criteria. “For us as the Stud­i­er­enden­werk, it is important to put more emphasis on the issue and also to set ourselves clear goals,” says Elmar Köninger, head of the gast­ro­nomy depart­ment. Until meat is avail­able that meets all the criteria of the European Broiler Chicken Initi­ative, the Stud­i­er­enden­werk will make use of similar offers such as the entry level of the German Animal Welfare Asso­ci­ation and gradu­ally increase their share in the assortment.


The Stud­i­er­enden­werk Siegen will imple­ment the require­ments of the Europäische Masthuhn-Initi­ative (European Broiler Initi­ative) for all its catering facil­ities by 2026. The Stud­i­er­enden­werk publishes annual reports on the progress of the imple­ment­a­tion and has inde­pendent controls ensure compli­ance with the standards.

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