
Foundation Kinder forschen


Since July 2010, the day care centre is a certi­fied “Haus der kleinen Forscher” (house of little scient­ists). The found­a­tion was renamed “Kinder forschen” in 2023.

Chil­dren are open and curious! They want to explore, discover and exper­i­ment. Within the frame­work of our pedago­gical work, we support and accom­pany the daycare chil­dren in this educa­tional process and thus want to play­fully awaken and develop each child’s spirit of research.

The non-profit found­a­tion “Kinder forschen” (chil­dren research) has been committed to the scientific, math­em­at­ical and tech­nical educa­tion of girls and boys of nursery and primary school age throughout Germany since 2006. The foundation’s part­ners are the Helm­holtz Asso­ci­ation, the Siemens Found­a­tion, the Dietmar Hopp Found­a­tion, the Deutsche Telekom Found­a­tion and the Auto­stadt in Wolfs­burg. It is funded by the Federal Ministry of Educa­tion and Research.

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