
„What are those?” – Flea Market in the canteen US on 23 November 2024

18. November 2024

On Saturday, 23 November, we are organ­ising the ‘What are those’ flea market in Mensa US with the AStA. Here you have the oppor­tunity to get rid of old stuff and earn some extra money. If you would like to register a stall, please contact the AStA.

The flea market takes place from 10 am to 4 pm. From students for everyone. You can look around for clothes, decor­a­tions or little things for the house­hold and fortify your­self in the food court with cakes, waffles, mulled wine and punch or some­thing savoury like kebab or pasta. Be sure to try our vegan kebab! Come on over!

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