
Diverse and inter­esting tasks in a strong team

We, the Stud­i­er­enden­werk Siegen, support students during their studies with numerous services in the areas of catering, housing, child­care and finances. We provide support and advice on social issues and are on hand with help and advice in chal­len­ging situations.

Around 160 employees work to ensure that students can devote them­selves fully to their studies, in short: to make studying a success!

The profes­sions that come together under our roof are as diverse as our services: from educators in the daycare centre to canteen cooks, from BAföG coun­sel­lors to care­takers for the student residences.

Fair pay, flex­ible and family-friendly working hours and varied tasks with plenty of scope for person­al­isa­tion are what make our jobs so valuable.


  • payment according to collective agree­ment (TVöD VKA)
  • annual special payment, perform­ance-related pay
  • company pension scheme
  • 30 days of standard leave and two days off on 24.12. and 31.12.
  • family-friendly working hours
  • discounted meals in our canteens
  • collegial working atmosphere


Our catering team consists of around 130 employees, ranging from kitchen assist­ants and chefs to the oper­a­tions manager of our catering facil­ities. Together, the team provides the university’s students with deli­cious meals. The catering team is supported by colleagues from the work­shop and warehouse.

Student housing

We currently offer students accom­mod­a­tion in eleven halls of resid­ence at various loca­tions near the campus. The resid­ence admin­is­tra­tion organ­ises the applic­a­tions for the resid­ences, takes care of letting and is the point of contact for all ques­tions relating to housing. The team is actively supported by our care­takers on site. In addi­tion, the staff in the “Construc­tion and Tech­no­logy” depart­ment ensure that our halls of resid­ence are constantly modern­ised and in good working order.

Student finan­cing

The Studierendenwerk’s “Student Finance” depart­ment is avail­able to answer all ques­tions relating to BAföG, Daka loans and other student loans. The service includes coun­selling, applic­a­tion, ongoing support and disburse­ment to students.


We offer child­care places for chil­dren of students in our daycare centre, which consists of four groups. Our team includes educators, social pedagogues, everyday helpers and an integ­ra­tion specialist. Students can also complete the year of recog­ni­tion for their training as an educator with us.

In our Flexi, students can have their chil­dren looked after by educa­tional special­ists on an hourly basis.


As an internal service provider, the admin­is­tra­tion depart­ment has a wide range of tasks. These include the areas of accounting, inform­a­tion tech­no­logy (IT) and human resources.

Spec­u­lative application

Are you gener­ally inter­ested in working at the Stud­i­er­enden­werk, even if we do not currently have a suit­able posi­tion advert­ised? Then send us your spec­u­lative application:


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    Together for the region

    We are a member of the “Wirtschaft für Südwest­falen” asso­ci­ation! Together we strengthen the image of the region.

    Family as a success factor

    We are a member of the “Erfolgs­faktor Familie” (Success Factor Family) network of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. The programme provides impetus for employers to improve the compat­ib­ility of family and career.

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