For the Leo ENC,
a pre-order is required.


The Leo on the Emmy Noether Campus invites you to study and linger. You will find the Leo ENC in the former ENC canteen. You can pre-order your person­al­ised break­fast bag and your hot canteen meal here.

Do you have any ques­tions about the canteen food, our vending machines or would you like to report a fault? Then please contact Sebastian Deuster on 0271 / 740‑3021 or

Do you have general ques­tions about the Leo? Then please contact the Prorect­orate for Students and Junior Faculty, Diversity and Inter­na­tional Affairs

The opening hours of the Leo ENC are based on the opening hours of the Emmy Noether Campus.

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Walter-Flex-Straße 3, 57072 Siegen
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Break­fast offer

Use the Snack­Stack app to put together your own person­al­ised break­fast and pick it up from the Snack­Stack vending machine in the Leo ENC. It’s that simple:

Down­load the ‘Snack­Stack’ app from the App Store or Google Play Store. At the start of the ordering process, enter the vending machine code 1234. Then put together your person­al­ised break­fast and pay via Google Pay or Apple Pay. You will then receive a QR code.

You can order your break­fast the day before and on the day of collec­tion until 7.00 a.m. and collect it from 8.30 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. using the QR code.

Break­fast is freshly prepared every morning in Bistro AR.

Canteen meals

You can also pre-order hot canteen meals at the Leo ENC. You can choose between vegan stew, meal 1 (veget­arian or vegan main component) and meal 2 (main component with meat or fish). There is also a choice of various side dishes, veget­ables, salads and desserts.You can put together your lunch flex­ibly in terms of quantity and choice.

Please pre-order your canteen meal via the following link:


Orders can be placed by 8.30 a.m. at the latest for the same day. You can enjoy your hot Mensa meal from 11.30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

You pay for your meal cash­less when you pick it up.


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