
Mensa offer from 4 September

1. September 2023

We are chan­ging our canteen offer from 4 September. On the one hand, this is due to the sharp rise in prices, espe­cially for meat and fish. On the other hand, the redesign of the menu is also in line with our efforts to become climate-neutral by 2030. This is what is chan­ging in the canteens:

Stew with dessert
In future, the stew will always be vegan. This means that we are giving you all, regard­less of whether you eat a veget­arian or vegan diet or do not eat certain animal products for reli­gious reasons, the oppor­tunity to eat the cheapest meal option in our canteens every day.
The price remains:
Students 2 € / Staff 5 €.

Veget­arian / vegan menu
There will be one veget­arian OR vegan dish every day.
Students 3,50 € / Staff 6,90 €

Plate dish with meat or fish
There is no choice of side dishes. You will be served the complete dish ready-made.
Students 3,50 €* / Staff 6,90 €

*This price can be main­tained until the end of 2023 thanks to a grant from the Ministry of Culture and Science. From 2024 onwards, the dish with meat or fish will cost € 4.00 for students.

Salad buffet
From 4 September, the price for non-students will be increased. The price for students will remain the same until the end of 2023 thanks to the grant from the Ministry.
Students: Mon – Thurs: € 1.00* / 100 g, Fri: € 0.80* / 100 g
All other guests: Mon – Thurs: 1,30 € / 100 g, Fri: 1,10 €/100 g

*This price can be main­tained until the end of 2023 thanks to a grant from the Ministry of Culture and Science. From 2024 onwards, the salad buffet will cost € 1.30 / 100 g (€ 1,10 on fridays).

Everything remains the same here:

“Aktion­stage” (Tue, Wed, Thu)
Price for all: € 5.90

The selec­tion will be slightly reduced, so we will have less produc­tion costs and there will be less leftovers. For the staff, the canteen meal will even be a little cheaper as a result.

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