
Atten­tion: Changes in the gast­ro­nomic facil­ities on 13 June, all facil­ities closed on 14 June!

10. June 2024

On Thursday, 13 June 2024, the celeb­ra­tions for the 50th anniversary of the Stud­i­er­enden­werk will take place.

Due to the prepar­a­tions for the cere­mony, the food counter in Mensa AR will be closed on Thursday, 13 June. Instead, hot lunches will be served in the Bistro from 11:00 to 13:30.

The food on offer in all canteens will be reduced on Thursday. There will be spaghetti bolognese with meat and in a vegan version.

In all catering facil­ities, i.e. all canteens, the food court and the bistro, the food service ends at 13:30. The facil­ities will close at 14:00.

On Friday, 14 June, all Stud­i­er­enden­werk oper­a­tions and depart­ments will be closed, including the student resid­ence admin­is­tra­tion and the BAföG office. However, there will be no closure this year due to the company outing in September.

We ask for your under­standing! After organ­ising a great canteen party for you in April, we are now celeb­rating our anniversary on Thursday with our employees and some invited guests.

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